
Consciousness is the internal dimension of the being, our true identity, and what we are in Essence.

A truly conscious Being is one who is in full harmony with their Soul. Therefore, this Consciousness is timeless, it is not confined to space or time, and it is neither new nor old, but what it has always been.

The End of Duality

"Light and Darkness, life and death, right and left, are brothers of one another. They are inseparable. Because of this neither are the good good, nor evil evil, nor is life life, nor death death." (Gospel of Philip)

Duality processes itself by the confrontation of the opposites, in constant friction that purifies the substance. This is why Esoteric Science speaks of Fricative Fire as the primary Fire in the material world. This duality, just like a chessboard where the pieces interact in the experiences necessary for the evolution of the world, is what the Orientals call Maya, the grand illusion.

From Observation to Contemplation

How many times did we told ourselves that we are awakened beings, beings who have left the ignorance of a life turned towards material things and have become interested in spiritual subjects, without realizing that the true awakening does not come from the interest that we may have in this type of subjects, nor in the practices or techniques that we can learn, but rather feeling the Divine in all that surrounds us. We can know everything about spirituality, practice all existing techniques, and be as much of a sleeper as those who deal only with material things.

Let it Flow

Many of us feel, in the deepest of our beings, an urgency, an existential necessity to correct the world, to heal the wounds of a civilization forgotten of itself, far from the greater purposes intended for it. An urgency that becomes increasingly present in all those who have made a commitment to humanity. The commitment to walk with an open heart before the blind eyes of those who only believe in what they can touch, showing them that this touch is deeper, vaster; that touching with the heart is to feel the unity of all things in the transmutation force of that higher energy that we call LOVE.

The Zen Archer

In the inner silence, in the tender expression of those moments that pacifies in us everything when we learn not to resist Life, but through it, flow with time and space, letting Life be lived by us, everything will return to the keynote of our incarnation. And then will no longer be necessary to fight, to impose, to seek, for there, in the present moment where nothing is lacking, the Universe will do everything to nourish us with its manifestation of Abundance, Harmony, and PEACE.

The Prayer

Prayer is one of the most intimate moments that someone can experience. It is the necessary breadth for us to connect with God in the spontaneity of a heart that seeks its Soul so that through this, in an amplified way, this dialogue with God can happen. Dialogue that is always heart-to-heart.

In prayer, we enter into this Inner Temple, the sacred enclosure of our Soul, and there, fully surrendered, we unite with the presence of God. Nothing should interfere with the intimacy of this moment, nor force it to happen on the rhythm of other wills than ours.

But it is not always like that.

From the Multiple Right Paths, to the Only True Path

Once someone came to me and told me that a very zealous and genuinely worried friend had informed her that she had received a message from a spiritual entity that, through channeling, warned her of the wrong paths she was following. The message was very focused on the consequences of her actions, what could happen if the ways were not corrected, using this entity the instrument of fear as a way to condition their own freedom. In the bottom line, we just see here the same winds of the past that kept humanity submissive and unable to fulfill its potential.

Unconditional Love

Unconditional love is like pollen thrown into the wind, without a destination, allowing the flow of wind to redirect it where it is necessary. The plant from which it emanated will never know the place of its landing or the consequences of its action, nor will it know the new plants fertilized by it. From itself, it is only asked to open and surrender, so that this pollen can express freely, fulfilling its function.

Releasing All Masks

We live in very peculiar times. If in the past, we were gagged under the weight of religious morality, submerged by their dogmas that conditioned the full expression of our Self, today we are at the opposite extreme, building new dogmas. We try to show people that they can be anything they want, that through a practice, a method, a technique, they can build a new personality. On the personal development side, we are told that we can be happier, more successful, more joyful, and more passionate. On the spiritual side we are told that we should be more coherent, humbler, more loving, and more selfless, and, based on all this, we are presented with multiple techniques and methods that enable us to achieve these objectives. But I say to you, that everything that we build with effort through a technique, whatever it is, is another character that we put on the stage. Better than the previous one, that's for sure if it's well built, but one more character.


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