From the Multiple Right Paths, to the Only True Path

Once someone came to me and told me that a very zealous and genuinely worried friend had informed her that she had received a message from a spiritual entity that, through channeling, warned her of the wrong paths she was following. The message was very focused on the consequences of her actions, what could happen if the ways were not corrected, using this entity the instrument of fear as a way to condition their own freedom. In the bottom line, we just see here the same winds of the past that kept humanity submissive and unable to fulfill its potential.

Unconditional Love

Unconditional love is like pollen thrown into the wind, without a destination, allowing the flow of wind to redirect it where it is necessary. The plant from which it emanated will never know the place of its landing or the consequences of its action, nor will it know the new plants fertilized by it. From itself, it is only asked to open and surrender, so that this pollen can express freely, fulfilling its function.

Releasing All Masks

We live in very peculiar times. If in the past, we were gagged under the weight of religious morality, submerged by their dogmas that conditioned the full expression of our Self, today we are at the opposite extreme, building new dogmas. We try to show people that they can be anything they want, that through a practice, a method, a technique, they can build a new personality. On the personal development side, we are told that we can be happier, more successful, more joyful, and more passionate. On the spiritual side we are told that we should be more coherent, humbler, more loving, and more selfless, and, based on all this, we are presented with multiple techniques and methods that enable us to achieve these objectives. But I say to you, that everything that we build with effort through a technique, whatever it is, is another character that we put on the stage. Better than the previous one, that's for sure if it's well built, but one more character.


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